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Structural visual thinking: how to develop it?

What is structural thinking? First of all, this is an approach that allows you to determine the pattern of events occurring with an individual. What is its advantage? Having developed structural thinking, a person quickly copes with difficulties and keeps the situation under control better. This can be useful in the professional sphere, finance, personal life, etc.

Having mastered the structural thinking, a person will be more effective in solving problems. Therefore, he will spend much less effort on this process. The thinking of a person becomes clearer. The picture of the events is clearing up.

If we do not develop structural thinking, what problems will we face?

  • it will be harder to organize your thoughts;
  • we will overlook the details;
  • we will spend more time solving problems;
  • we will not be able to organize people.

If we develop structural thinking, then:

  • we will be more successful in our career;
  • we will manage our time better;
  • we will clean up the house and our life;
  • we will become more energetic and positive.

Methods for the development of structural thinking:

1.   Get rid of stereotypes;

2.   Expand your interests;

3.   Put yourself in unexpected situations more often;

4.   Practice your mind training. These can be hobbies, foreign languages ​​or, for example, special simulators.

Success is not just luck, but also work on yourself. Our thinking is a complex system, so it is necessary to make efforts for making it work at 100%.


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