How does the mood change during the day? How does our mood influence our work?

Morning peak, daily recession and new rise - this is a daily schedule of fluctuations that are repeated daily, regardless of the day of the week.
The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is responsible for the biorhythms of the body. This tiny zone is located in the hypothalamus. The inner human cycle lasts longer than the revolution of the Earth around the sun. So, the cycles are synchronized not only focusing on sunlight, but also on social factors and biological signals.
These algorithms are unique for each person, but in spite of this, they have a lot of similarities, and the discrepancies can be predicted. The scientist Alan Kruger, together with with Daniel Kahneman, created the “Day Reconstruction Method”. As part of the experiment, participants recorded everything that happened over the past day, including actions, thoughts, and so on. Processing the data, the organizers of the experiment found out that during the day each person has a bimodal distribution. In women, the peak mood, which had a positive effect on relationships and business, arose in the morning and lasted until noon. Later there was quite a sharp deterioration in mood. The suppressed condition lasted during the second half of the day, but the mood again reached the peak during the early evening period.
However, numerous external factors influenced the mood, starting with the weather outside the window and ending with listening to music.
If to speak about the causes, then in addition to external factors there are also factors that depend on a particular person. For example, some people like to communicate a lot, some - not. Some people are stressed out by traffic jams.
So what is the influence of mood on your work? Despite the fact that the mood is the inner state of a person, it constantly affects our actions and communication with other people. Daily biorhythms have an impact on corporate communications. They influence decision-making and approval of a particular strategy.
To use these studies for the benefit of productive work, you first need to define your own schedule of the day.
It may be:
Try to put as many tasks as you can in the peak period. This will increase productivity growth and reduce stress. In addition, tasks performed during the peak period, bring more satisfaction.
Do your internal research. Several times a day, spend five minutes on the following questions:
How vigorous am I?
How effectively do I do current tasks?
Put the results in the table - this will help to identify their stages as accurately as possible.
Do not seek to control everything.
Unfortunately, not everything in our life can be adjusted to a certain extent. Do not stress out if you cannot put all things in the right time. Try to work with what you have.