Start developing your brain for the price of a cup of coffee a day!

Train your way of thinking

  • Is it possible to program the brain for youth? How to preserve the youth of the brain? Scientists answer

    The youth of the brain is the key to a full life. And save it is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Here are some simple recommendations that will answer the question of how to preserve the youth of the brain.

  • Brain development = promotion at work?

    Exercise for the body today will not surprise anyone, but the brain training is a relatively new phenomenon. Meanwhile, it has been proven that the development of cognitive functions has a positive effect on all areas of our life, including our careers.

  • Sensation modality - types and characteristics

    And you, by chance, not synesthetic? Have you ever thought about such an amazing phenomenon as colour music? It turns out that there are people who not only hear the music, but also “see” it. Such people are called synesthetics. Synesthetics have amazing abilities. They can, for example, "see" the smell and "hear how it sounds."

  • How to increase IQ at home

    IQ tests are a specially selected set of standardized tasks that measure a person’s mental abilities and their overall intellectual profile. This scientifically based assessment of intelligence is used:

  • Time Management Basics

    Briefly about how to work like Winston Churchill. Or at least start doing a little bit more and dedicate a little bit more time to rest.

  • Factors that increase mental productivity

    How to increase productivity at work and school? You need to review your routine deals and workflow.

    First, it is worthwhile to organize the right space. Minimize distractions, find moments of procrastination and eliminate them. For example, leave only those tabs in the browser that you need right now. If the online game excites and distracts you, restart it. While it is loading, you will have time to note the moment of distraction and stop the attempt of procrastination. If you work from home - remove everything that may distract your attention.

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