Conscious thinking

What is conscious thinking? What is it definition? The brain needs daily training even almost more than the body. For this purpose, special simulators have been invented, and one of the most effective, as it was proved by the research, is Wikium. We talked with neuropsychologist Nikita Khokhlov about how useful work with thinking is.

- What are the ideas of intellectual training and simulators based on?

- They are very common now. Here is some analogy: if you can walk to develop muscles, then why not develop the brain? But there are so many charlatans. It is dangerous when a person has medical disorders: a person stops being treated by traditional methods, sits down in front of the computer, begins to do the exercises, thinking that this will help him. But in reality, everything is much worse: he does not receive the treatment he was given before.

The effectiveness of simulators may be different. Any intellectual activity improves the blood supply to the brain, prolongs the conscious old age. People who have been doing exercises during their life preserve a good level of cognitive abilities longer. Manual workers often demonstrate a decrease in such abilities. If you work with good equipment regularly - you can solve this problem. What is important - the effectiveness of the simulator must be proved, otherwise we are dealing with a placebo.

- How soon should positive changes be expected?

- I can say that adults should not wait for instant changes. Memory does not improve in three classes, it takes half a year, sometimes a year of training, in order to achieve some changes. This is still not a magic pill. The question of the sustainability of the effect is also important: any function that we do not develop decreases, just like it happens with the muscles of the body. In my opinion, you need 3-5 years.

- These programs allow you to treat dementia and other disorders?

- Dementia is a disease. Here we have the risk of embarrassing situations, like the company that said their simulators are helping to cope with Parkinson's or Alzheimer's. We cannot say that simulators are capable of treating dementia. Prevention is given, yes, absolutely. All the rest - requires research. In the future, these are dozens of years.

- How can the skills acquired in this way be applied in life?

- It is not exactly defined what we consider skill or ability. In psychology, skills are tied to specific activities. Ability is a more general thing, creating operational prerequisites for the effectiveness of this activity. What simulators develop is exactly abilities. For example, attention that can be applied in any activity. We can give a piece of advice to the person who decided to change the sphere of activity, we can help him find out what he lacks, and develop these abilities. These are the components that simulators influence.

- How do you think antidepressants affect our brains? Many residents of big cities take them.

- Any drugs that work with the psyche, always interfere with the biochemistry of the brain. Side effects also occur. If a person cares about his health - an expert support when taking such drugs is necessary. Any drug changes something: one treats, the other cripples. Some antidepressants will reduce memory, others will not. And, of course, you need to take into account the characteristics of each person. It is extremely important to find a qualified specialist, there must be a guiding hand. Being alone, a person is simply unable to assess the situation comprehensively and analyze it.


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